This Portal is an Angolan platform designed to create, store and disseminate Angolan scientific journals and be the access point for a series of Angolan journals linked to international databases.


  • Angolan journal of university extension

    The Angolan Journal of University Extension (RAEU-Bengo) is a vehicle for publishing and disseminating scientific knowledge produced in the field of university extension in Angola, in conjunction with partners from other countries, interested in participating in this effort to strengthen extension practices in Angola .

    ISSN: 2707-5400

  • Scientific journal of the ISCED-Huíla

    ISCED-HUÍLA'S SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL is a biannual publication of the Higher Institute of Educational Sciences of Huíla, Angola. The Journal publishes academic articles resulting from original theoretical or field research in the field of Education. Our interest is to promote the dissemination of national and international scientific research on education. We prioritize unpublished studies, which help to deepen our understanding of Education in Angola and in the world. The Journal does not accept manuscripts already published or under evaluation in other scientific journals; fully or partially disclosed on the internet; parts of theses and dissertations and texts published in annals of scientific events.

    ISSN: 2709-8931

  • Social Reality Journal

    The SOCIAL REALITY JOURNAL (RRS) arises from the need to provide answers to social questions in the field of action of the Childhood Education and Social Work courses taught at the Faculty of Social Service as well as the social problems found in everyday life.

  • Scientific Vision Journal

    The Scientific View Journal it's a biannual publication of the Instituto Superior Politécnico Atlântida. The Journal publishes academic articles resulting from original theoretical research and is multidisciplinary.

  • Tundavala: Revista Angolana de Ciências

    A Tundavala: Revista Angolana de Ciências foi criada em 2012 como veículo de produção e divulgação científica angolana inserida na região da SADEC e cultural da CPLP. Ela é o resultado da constatação de pesquisadores do Instituto Superior Politécnico Tundavala do Lubango, da quase inexistência de veículos angolanos de divulgação científica, facto que dificulta a publicização da pesquisa desenvolvida localmente e por investigadores angolanos colocando-os em desvantagem frente a outros países e regiões. 

    ISSN 2707-6016

  • Mandume: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies

    Mandume: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies - MAREM is an open access multidisciplinary scientific journal, owned by the Mandume Ya Ndemufayo University, whose mission is to contribute to the development of the Angolan scientific production ecosystem, publishing articles by national and international authors, resulting from its research activity.


    The Revista Científica de Estudos Multidisciplinares do Planalto Central (REME) is a biannual electronic scientific publication of the Instituto Superior Politécnico de Humanidades e Tecnologias Ekuikui II, in Huambo, Angola.

    REME was founded on March 8, 2023, and its primary objectives are to publish original scientific works that focus on issues within the training of Social Sciences, Health Sciences and Engineering, but also in other interdisciplinary fields, directly or indirectly related to the above.

    REME arose from the need felt by Isup EKUIKUI II to have a channel through which it could make the link between teaching and research more profitable, namely:

    1. Promoting research: REME is the channel through which the Center for Studies in Educational Innovation (CeIED) encourages and promotes research, providing and guaranteeing a means for researchers to share their findings with the academic community.

    2. Increasing the visibility of ISUPEkuikui II: REME will help increase the Institution's visibility and reputation, attracting researchers from other national and international institutions and potential students.

    3. Develop writing and publishing skills: publishing in the Journal can help students and teachers develop writing and publishing skills, which can be valuable for their academic and professional careers.

    4. Sharing knowledge: REME will allow Isup EKUIKUI II to share knowledge and discoveries with the academic community and the general public, helping to advance science and technology.

    5.Establish a network of collaborators: REME gives Isup EKUIKUI II the possibility of establishing a network of collaborators, including researchers and academics from other institutions, which can lead to new opportunities for research and collaboration.



  • Scientific Journal Visão XXI

    Visão XXI is a multidisciplinary scientific journal of the Instituto Superior Politécnico do Moxico, dedicated to promoting the advancement of knowledge in various fields, encompassing the natural, social and human sciences. With a commitment to academic excellence and innovation, Visão XXI publishes high quality, peer-reviewed articles that explore topics relevant to the 21st century, fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and the development of sustainable and progressive solutions to global problems.


    Our mission is to provide a platform for researchers and scholars to share their original discoveries and contributions, providing valuable insights to understand and address contemporary challenges.



    To be recognized as a scientific journal dedicated to promoting academic excellence, innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration, contributing to the advancement of knowledge and solving the global challenges of the 21st century.



    Academic excellence: Commitment to the highest quality of research and publication, promoting methodological rigor, originality and scientific relevance.

    Integrity and ethics: Strict adherence to the ethical principles of scientific research, including transparency, intellectual honesty and respect for the rights and dignity of research participants.

    Innovation and interdisciplinarity: Encouragement of scientific innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration.

    Open access and inclusion: Commitment to open access to scientific knowledge, promoting inclusion and diversity of authors, readers and research topics.

    Social impact: Striving for research results that have a significant impact on society and the environment, contributing to sustainable development, improved quality of life and global well-being.

    Global collaboration: Fostering international collaboration and academic exchange, recognizing the importance of cultural diversity and worldwide cooperation in addressing global challenges.

  • Mupanda

    A Mupanda - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar do ISPI (RCMISPI) é uma publicação anual do Instituto Superior Politécnico Independente do Cristo Rei, no Lubango – Angola, Angola, que publica artigos académicos resultantes de pesquisas originais teóricas ou de campo relacionados à investigação multidisciplinar. Pretende proporcionar um espaço de divulgação das pesquisas científicas nacionais e internacionais sobre a produção de saberes pluridisciplinares e globais e prioriza publicações que favoreçam o aprofundamento e diversificação de saberes pluridisciplinares.

  • Revista Teste

    Revista teste do Portal pensador. Created as a testing environment for users of the Portalpensador platform.